Embed flash application


I have a third-party flash application that needs to be incorporated
into a site I look after.

The application consists of an swf in a standard html file and then a
load of supporting files organised in directories under the directory
in which the swf is located. What is the best way to get this on to
the site?

I have tried dropping everything in public and calling
render :template but this just downloads the page as a whole and
doesn’t display it.

Any help would be appreciated.



create a controller that has an action lets say flashController with
action index…

def index

Which renders index.html.erb

then cut’n past the html into that file…


On Sep 1, 6:34 pm, heimdull [email protected] wrote:

Thanks. Then the swf looks for its supporting files in app/views/
flash/… Would there be a problem putting the files there?
