Enforce https for every page

Hello everybody, i’m using ruby 1.8.6 and rails 1.1.6 for my web app.

My app is accessible both in http and https but i would like to enforce
https only even when the user try to access using http only.

I tried a lot of solutions posted over the web but none worked for my
version (which is very old, I know)

What could I do in order to achieve it? Is there any effective solution
that can be used with my rails version?

Thanks in advance for the help.

I haven’t tried this, but seems good

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 8:59 PM, Gianpiero Venditti <
[email protected]> wrote:

For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Thanks & Regards,

Nilesh B. Panchal
Mobile No. : +91-9664212069
E-mail : [email protected]

On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 4:29:43 PM UTC+1, Gianpiero Venditti wrote:

that can be used with my rails version?

Old school! Assuming you’ve got apache in front of your app, have you
tried adding a rewrite rule to redirect all http requests to the https
versions ?


On a recent project, I handled this through a before_filter as I wanted
unauthenticated pages to handle http and authenticated pages to always
redirect to https. My ApplicationController looked something like the
below. Note: I had to write my own authentication routines rather than
something like Devise as these were the early days of MongoDB support.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
layout ‘application’

before_filter :login_required

def login_required
unless current_user
return if require_ssl

def ssl_required?
return @ssl_required unless @ssl_required.nil?
@ssl_required = %w(production qa staging).include?(Rails.env)

def require_ssl
if ssl_required?
redirect_url = request.url.gsub(/^http:/, ‘https:’)
if request.url != redirect_url
redirect_to redirect_url, status: 301


On Wednesday, 17 April 2013 11:29:43 UTC-4, Gianpiero Venditti wrote:

Hello everybody, i’m using ruby 1.8.6 and rails 1.1.6 for my web app.

Any particular reason you’re using a 7-year-old version of Rails? You’d
seriously helped by upgrading to something more modern.

My app is accessible both in http and https but i would like to enforce
https only even when the user try to access using http only.

I tried a lot of solutions posted over the web but none worked for my
rails version (which is very old, I know)

What could I do in order to achieve it? Is there any effective solution
that can be used with my rails version?

The old ssl_requirement gem is roughly of the same vintage, so it might
what you want:

But seriously, you’re going to spend more time struggling with 1.1.6
you’ll save by not rewriting for a more modern version. For instance, a
of the blog posts that were helpful back then aren’t even around
as people move blog hosts + lose content.

–Matt J.