Engines as Mephisto Plugins

Hi James,

like I mentioned a while back Rick asked me regarding Engines as a
basis for Mephisto plugins.

Mephisto comes with its own implementation of plugins that share
controllers, views, routes, schemas (migrations) etc. as well as some
config stuff. Rick asked me to look into using Engines instead and he
suggested this as a feature for Mephisto 1.0

I believe Mephisto could benefit from using all the major Engines
functionality. But there are some features that aren’t currently
supported by Engines and I’d like to discuss to what extend these
could possibly be added to Engines instead of having them in Mephisto.

These are:

  1. About info: we’ve omitted about.yml from Engines for Rails 2.0
    recently and you already mentioned that this could possibly be
    restored. On the one hand Rick said that he doesn’t really care about
    this, but on the other hand people actually seem to use this
    information (e.g. the plugin authors website is displayed in the
    Mephisto admin interface and people use this link to lookup
    information about the plugin).

  2. Configuration info: Mephisto provides means to configure a plugin
    through an option directive. E.g. in a feedback form plugin there
    might be an option to configure the confirmation message that’s
    displayed when the feedback for has been submitted (bad example but
    you get the idea). The option and its default value is defined in the
    plugin, it’s current value is pulled from the database if a record is
    present (otherwise the default value is used). Mephisto could switch
    from using ActiveRecord as a storage for plugin configuration data to
    something else, e.g. another YAML file, Ruby code or whatever.

A possible solution for both requirements that I personally like could

With Rails 2.0 plugins we can do all the about and configuration stuff
from within init.rb because this file is evaluated within the plugin’s
scope. Because init.rb is overwritten when the plugin get’s
reinstalled (so the config customization would get lost) we could look
for a (e.g.) config.rb file and evaluate it alongside with the plugin
init.rb file if it’s present. This config.rb file would allow to
define something like:

author ‘James’
version ‘1.0’
website ‘http://…’

option :feedback_confirm_msg, ‘Thanks!’
option :foo, ‘bar’

What do you think?

sven fuchs removed_email_address@domain.invalid
artweb design http://www.artweb-design.de
grünberger 65 + 49 (0) 30 - 47 98 69 96 (phone)
d-10245 berlin + 49 (0) 171 - 35 20 38 4 (mobile)

That has to go in the wall of fame. A milestone as it will. A core
wanting Engines as a feature of their own app infrastructure? I love it

As far as feature #2 goes, it would need to be outside of the plugin
code/checkout. The best feature of an engine is the ability to override
whatever you want through a linear stack track. A key concept of an
is that the code can be used with an external and have whatever changes
personally need overriden in your own app such as /config/initializers/
such. It would be sad to see this feature sacrificed due to

I like the about.yml files. I still use them in all my plugins. They
surely be used as you mentioned, and probably even more uses to come out
it. Doesn’t hurt anything by being there? Only helps as far as I see it.

On 31/01/2008, Sven F. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

like I mentioned a while back Rick asked me regarding Engines as a
basis for Mephisto plugins.

It’s great news that Rick has found the engines plugin useful.

  1. About info: we’ve omitted about.yml from Engines for Rails 2.0
    recently and you already mentioned that this could possibly be
    restored. On the one hand Rick said that he doesn’t really care about
    this, but on the other hand people actually seem to use this
    information (e.g. the plugin authors website is displayed in the
    Mephisto admin interface and people use this link to lookup
    information about the plugin).

Adding the about.yml information is something we can definitely
re-include. Originally, we would simply load about.yml into a Hash
which can be accessed from the plugin instance:


:author: James
:url: http://interblah.net
:version: 2.0.1
:description: Blah blah


plugin = Engines.plugins[:my_plugin]

==> { :version => “2.0.1”, :author => “James”, :url =>

http://interblah.net” … }

This is relatively easy to support - in fact, is there any reason why
this couldn’t be implemented as a patch to Rails core itself?
Regardless, my only suggestion would be that the plugins mechanism is
not particular about the specific keys in about.yml - anything can be
present. If Mephisto expects a particular set of keys to be present,
that should be enforced in the application itself.

A possible solution for both requirements that I personally like could
author ‘James’
version ‘1.0’
website ‘http://…’

option :feedback_confirm_msg, ‘Thanks!’
option :foo, ‘bar’

What do you think?

So the config.rb would be stored somewhere outside of /vendor/plugins?
I’m not sure this is a particularly good fit for the engines plugin
itself - it seems better that Mephisto makes some class available to
its plugins to support this. Something like

create_table :plugin_configs do |t|
t.string :plugin
t.string :key
t.string :value

So in a table we have tuples of plugin name, key and value. Next lets
set up a base class that can access this table

class PluginConfig < ActiveRecord::Base

# this lets us set and store default values in subclasses of 

class_inheritable_hash :defaults
def self.default(key, value)
defaults[key.to_s] = value

# Try and load a stored config tuple - otherwise, return any stored 

def self.config
stored_value(key) || defaults[key.to_s]

# Create or overwrite any existing tuple for this plugin
def self.config[]=(key, value)
  config = stored_config(key)
  if config
    config.update_attribute(:value, value)
    create(:plugin => self.name, :key => key, :value => value)

def self.stored_value(key)
  stored_config = find_by_key_and_plugin(key, self.name)
  stored_config ? stored_config.value : nil

# I imagine Mephisto itself will want to load all of the stored

config tuples
# for a particular plugin
def all_stored_configuration_options

# Returns all configuration options declared by the subclass, 

including any
# defaults. Probably useful in the Mephisto admin interface too.
def all_configuration_options
stored_configs = all_stored_configuration_options
stored_configs_and_defaults = defaults.dup
stored_configs.each do |config|
stored_configs_and_defaults[config.key] = config.value


class MyPlugin < PluginConfig
default :admin_email, “removed_email_address@domain.invalid”


class SomeThing
# …
def send_email(body)
send_email_to(MyPlugin.config[:admin_email], body)
# …

… anyway. That’s just off the top of my head, but the point is that
I’m not sure that it’s anything that the engines plugin should really
handle explicitly. Any thoughts?

On 01/02/2008, Nathaniel B. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

As far as feature #2 goes, it would need to be outside of the plugin
code/checkout. The best feature of an engine is the ability to override
whatever you want through a linear stack track. A key concept of an engine
is that the code can be used with an external and have whatever changes you
personally need overriden in your own app such as /config/initializers/ and
such. It would be sad to see this feature sacrificed due to implementation.

I’m not sure what you mean here - I think you’re suggesting that
configuration should set in the application codebase, rather than
within the plugin, right? Which I generally agree with, although I
think in the case of Mephisto, which almost certainly wants to provide
a web interface for setting this, setting that in config/initializers
is going to be tricky at best…

Am 01.02.2008 um 12:41 schrieb James A.:

Adding the about.yml information is something we can definitely



plugin = Engines.plugins[:my_plugin]

==> { :version => “2.0.1”, :author => “James”, :url =>

http://interblah.net” … }

That’s a reasonable approach, IMO.

This is relatively easy to support - in fact, is there any reason why
this couldn’t be implemented as a patch to Rails core itself?

I can’t see any.

Regardless, my only suggestion would be that the plugins mechanism is
not particular about the specific keys in about.yml - anything can be

I agree.

So the config.rb would be stored somewhere outside of /vendor/plugins?
I’m not sure this is a particularly good fit for the engines plugin
itself -

I imagined it to be something a long the lines of Rails’ config/
database.yml which provides application specific config data. Likewise
a [plugin_root]/config.yml could define plugin specific configs. The
plugin could ship with config.example.yml with defaults and comments.

it seems better that Mephisto makes some class available to
its plugins to support this. Something like

create_table :plugin_configs do |t|
t.string :plugin
t.string :key
t.string :value
… anyway. That’s just off the top of my head, but the point is that
I’m not sure that it’s anything that the engines plugin should really
handle explicitly. Any thoughts?

This actually is how Mephisto works today. :))

Personally I feel that a) having a standard way of customizing
configuration is a need that would fit into Engines perfectly, but b)
ActiveRecord as a storage engine for this need feels a bit too
heavyweight for being used in Engines.

How about:

#plugin.rb - if present, defines some arbitrary properties and options
author ‘James’
website ‘…’
option :foo, ‘bar’ # ‘bar’ is the default value

#config.rb - if present, defines customized option values
foo ‘baz’

Hmm, actually I myself am not fully convinced of this. But you get the
idea. I’d like to see a way of providing about info, defining options
w/ default and customized option values in a simple manner.

sven fuchs removed_email_address@domain.invalid
artweb design http://www.artweb-design.de
grünberger 65 + 49 (0) 30 - 47 98 69 96 (phone)
d-10245 berlin + 49 (0) 171 - 35 20 38 4 (mobile)

On 01/02/2008, Sven F. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

Am 01.02.2008 um 12:41 schrieb James A.:

Adding the about.yml information is something we can definitely


This is relatively easy to support - in fact, is there any reason why
this couldn’t be implemented as a patch to Rails core itself?

I can’t see any.


Go wild with your verification :slight_smile:

Gone wild :slight_smile:

Am 01.02.2008 um 20:57 schrieb James A.:

Engine-Developers mailing list

sven fuchs removed_email_address@domain.invalid
artweb design http://www.artweb-design.de
grünberger 65 + 49 (0) 30 - 47 98 69 96 (phone)
d-10245 berlin + 49 (0) 171 - 35 20 38 4 (mobile)

Am 01.02.2008 um 10:14 schrieb Nathaniel B.:

That has to go in the wall of fame. A milestone as it will. A core
commiter wanting Engines as a feature of their own app
infrastructure? I love it :slight_smile:

It’s certainly great feedback :slight_smile:

As far as feature #2 goes, it would need to be outside of the plugin
code/checkout. The best feature of an engine is the ability to
override whatever you want through a linear stack track. A key
concept of an engine is that the code can be used with an external
and have whatever changes you personally need overriden in your own
app such as /config/initializers/ and such. It would be sad to see
this feature sacrificed due to implementation.

I’d see this like config/database[.example].yml which you check out
when you check out an application (like Mephisto), rename and
customize it.

I like the about.yml files. I still use them in all my plugins. They
could surely be used as you mentioned, and probably even more uses
to come out of it. Doesn’t hurt anything by being there? Only helps
as far as I see it.

Me2 :slight_smile:

suggested this as a feature for Mephisto 1.0
restored. On the one hand Rick said that he doesn’t really care about
plugin, it’s current value is pulled from the database if a record is
reinstalled (so the config customization would get lost) we could look

Engine-Developers mailing list

sven fuchs removed_email_address@domain.invalid
artweb design http://www.artweb-design.de
grünberger 65 + 49 (0) 30 - 47 98 69 96 (phone)
d-10245 berlin + 49 (0) 171 - 35 20 38 4 (mobile)