Error after first run after installation

I am getting this when I first go radiant after installation
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in SiteController#show_page

stack trace ends with

I am on OS X 10.5.2
the table exist I can see them in SQLite3 db although I don’t what
they should look like.
Rake runs with no errors.
my gem list says
activerecord (1.15.6, 1.15.3)
sqlite3-ruby (1.2.1)
radiant (0.6.4)

ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [universal-darwin9.0]

Any suggestions on what the problem is or where to look?



Which sqlite3 database you checked for tables? If that was
production.sqlite3.db then you need to run scrip/server -e production
to start server.

Martins Grunskis

Sorry I found my mistake. I bootstrapped the development db and and
ran the production dn.

I am getting this when I first go radiant after installation
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in SiteController#show_page

stack trace ends with

I am on OS X 10.5.2
the table exist I can see them in SQLite3 db although I don’t what
they should look like.
Rake runs with no errors.
my gem list says
activerecord (1.15.6, 1.15.3)
sqlite3-ruby (1.2.1)
radiant (0.6.4)

ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [universal-darwin9.0]

Any suggestions on what the problem is or where to look?

