Error: File not found

Hello guys and gals.

This has been bugging me for three hours! I keep receiving the error:
File not found. Even though I have placed it in the correct location. I
have no idea why it is doing it as I feel it should be working. Here is
the code:


#usr_array ="…/logs/usernames_log", “r”).read.split("\n")
Culprate ="…/products/culprate.txt", “r”).read.split("\n")

puts “Content-type: text/html\n\n”

puts “”
puts “”
puts “Culprate Nightmares in reality”
puts “”
puts “”
puts “

Name : Culprate [0]

puts “

Description : Culprate [1]

puts “

Price : Culprate [2]

puts “

Item Number : Culprate [3]

puts “”
puts “”

And the error:
5:in `initialize’: No such file or directory - …/products/culprate.txt

The user_array does exactly the same thing in another script and it has
been working perfectly. Hope someone can help!

Adam K

Also the culprate.txt file is placed in



It’s better if you start using file paths like this:

file = File.join(File.dirname(FILE), ‘dir1’, ‘dir2’, ‘file.txt’)

Generally it’s a good idea to learn how to use “File.dirname(FILE)”
which gives the directory
of the current file. Play with it a bit and you’ll figure it out!

Best Regards,

On 16 Ιαν 2013, at 15:07 , Adam K. [email protected] wrote:

#usr_array =“…/logs/usernames_log”, “r”).read.split(“\n”)
puts “

Description : Culprate [1]

been working perfectly. Hope someone can help!

Adam K

Posted via

Panagiotis (atmosx) Atmatzidis

email: [email protected]
GnuPG ID: 0xE736C6A0
gpg --keyserver x-hkp:// --recv-keys 0xE736C6A0

Still not working. I understand it brings up the text file directory but
it still says that it cannot be found.

Also with the information from the text file I am putting it into an
array then displaying the array information. Could this be effecting the

Adam K

Thanks man! Ive have a look at it now :slight_smile:

Adam K


Can anybody read the contents in that directory? Almost sounds like
there is
some sort of read permissions error.


On 01/16/2013 10:24 AM, Wayne B. wrote:


Can anybody read the contents in that directory? Almost sounds like there is
some sort of read permissions error.

Another possibility is that the relative file path being used in the
code is failing to find the intended file because the current working
directory of the script is not in the correct place. Try printing the
output of File.expand_path for the file path to see if it resolves to
the place you expect.


On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 6:07 AM, Adam K. [email protected]

This has been bugging me for three hours! I keep receiving the error:
File not found. Even though I have placed it in the correct location. I
have no idea why it is doing it as I feel it should be working.

Ignoring all the other issues with your code, the likelihood is that
the process being run is not relative to where your program file
is stored.

Include the result of Dir.getwd in your program and find out. :slight_smile:

Hi guys, thanks for all of your replies. After about 6 hours, I managed
to get it working by simply changing the way the code was
being executed. Very very strange but glad its working now :slight_smile:

Adam K