Error installing

I’m installing Radianr CMS on Mediatemple.

Everything had turn out perfect until:

RAILS_ENV=production rake db:bootstrap
which gave me
Radiant requires RubyGems >= 0.9.4 (you have 0.9.2). Please gem update --system and try again.

I’ve been trying to update the gems but I’m unsuccessful and after gem
update --system it will keep saying 0.9.2 on gem -v


Chances are unless it’s a VPS, they won’t let you update rubygems.
Otherwise, try ‘sudo gem update --system’.


On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 1:53 AM, Sean C. [email protected]


Chances are unless it’s a VPS, they won’t let you update rubygems.
Otherwise, try ‘sudo gem update --system’.

Can’t say about Mediatemple, but if you have shell, its pretty certain
you can install your own gems, even on a shared hosting. That’s what I
do on Site5. This might help:

Depending on host’s constraints, you might even get away with
compiling your own ruby, git etc. I did ask them first, though.