Hello I am having trouble with datetime objects, I had the “good” idea
of making a form, asking for the parameters of DateTime and then give
this object to the Database, apparently this is not the way.
I have this error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)
And this is what I tried:
I have a model like this
datetime :when
string :where
A view like this
<% form_tag exams_path do %>
<% end %>
And a controller like this
@fecha = DateTime.new(params[:year].to_i, params[:month].to_i,
params[:day].to_i, params[:hour].to_i, params[:minute].to_i)
@exam = Exam.new(DateTime.now, params[:place])
if @exam.save
redirect_to exams_path
render :action => 'new'
And a controller like this @fecha = DateTime.new(params[:year].to_i, params[:month].to_i,
params[:day].to_i, params[:hour].to_i, params[:minute].to_i) @exam = Exam.new(DateTime.now, params[:place])
Assuming Exam is an activerecord object you should be passing a hash
of attributes (eg :foo => params[:foo], :bar => params[:bar], whereas
you are passing 2 arguments
I didn’t understand your solution Fred, thanks a lot for your post. I
solved my problem by saving in the database each element of the date as
integers, then I read this elements and I build my DateTime element.
I didn’t understand your solution Fred, thanks a lot for your post. I
solved my problem by saving in the database each element of the date as
integers, then I read this elements and I build my DateTime element.
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
I was just saying that you’ve passed two parameters to Exam.new rather
than a hash of options.
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