I’ve had Chronic installed for some time and it’s been working well.
Yesterday I loaded ImageMagick and RMagick and ran “gem update --system”
(part of RMagick’s installation instructions). I haven’t had time to do
anything with RMagick or ImageMagick though, because as soon as I bring
up a page from one of the controllers requiring Chronic, I see this:
Gem::Exception in xxController#list
can’t activate rubyforge (>= 1.0.0), already activated rubyforge-0.4.4]
or this:
no such file to load – chronic
I tried uninstalling the Chronic gem and then reinstalling it. But,
there is no change.
I’m fairly new working with Rails and don’t really know where to start.
Any idea how I can fix this?
OK, so I’m now having a similar problem. On one of my servers, I am
still running rails 1.2.6 (due to upgrade very soon), but needed to
update pdf-writer to fix the totalpagenum bug.
now I am getting the same
can’t activate rubyforge (>= 1.0.0), already activated
when i try to use (require) pdf/writer
I have looked at the other similar posts about this, but cant really
make sense of what the problem is.
Presumably requiring pdf-writer wants to use rubyforge(>=1.00) [to
unpack it?]. So can I just update ruby forge, or do I remove
rubyforge 1.0.0 or am i just plain stuck till i update rails
Please if anyone can shed some light I’d be grateful
Thanks, Denise, you were a real and rapid help.
I did gem uninstall rubyforge
which gave me
Select RubyGem to uninstall:
- rubyforge-0.4.2
- rubyforge-1.0.0
- All versions
So I held my breath, entered 1. and restarted lighty and bingo all is
Many Thanks
On Jul 22, 2:32 pm, Denise R. [email protected]
Awesome. So glad to hear that.
I’m not sure I can help much. I ended up asking a consultant friend of
mine for help. He just uninstalled the older rubyforge gem (gem
uninstall rubyforge) and then left. Unfortunately, I had a couple more
issues after that. I don’t remember all of them, but I do know that I
had to change some stuff in the environment.rb file.
Wish I could be more descriptive…