Errornous WSDL output for complex type

I tried to create WSDL with rails 1.2.6 but when I tried to return a
custom data type rather than built in data type in my web API, I got
this kind of WSDL data(I have not put entire WSDL file here but just few
parts of it). I tried to compile it in java but could not compile it.
Looks like rails is not returning proper WSDL file which can be used
directly for other clients. When we have custom data type(complex data
type) as parameters or return values,rails generates this kind of
errornous WSDL. Does anybody has any solution??? Did I miss anything
very obvious??

<xsd:complexType name=“RESOURCECODEArray”>
<xsd:restriction base=“soapenc:Array”>
<xsd:attribute wsdl:arrayType=“typens:RESOURCECODE[]”



Not sure if you’ll get much help on this; 1.2.6 is over 2 years old
now, and there’s been a pretty big move away from the whole WSDL/SOAP

You may want to take a look at this project, which brings
ActionWebService into Rails 2.3-land:

–Matt J.

On Nov 2, 12:12 pm, Kalpesh1 Patel [email protected]

Thanks Matt for the response. I thought nobody is going to reply!
Initially I started with Rails 2.3.3 only but even the basic web
service was not working. The error was “Uninitialized constant
actionwebservice”. I have tried all the options but could not get
around. I have tried with datanoise(as mentioned in your mail) as well
but different error. Probably you can help. Here is my API class.

require ‘action_service’
class PersonAPI < ActionService::Base
export :add, :expects => [Integer], :returns => [Integer]

I get “uninitialized constant
ActionService::Exporting::ClassMethods::Inflector” error. Can you tell
me what could be the problem?

So FINALLY I downgraded to Rails 1.2.6 and it worked smoothly
thereafter. It doesn’t throw such weird errors. I am still looking for
the solution with Rails 2.3. Do you have any “working” tutorial or
something? That would be very helpful.

And for the problem I mentioned in my initial mail, I got the solution
myself. Actually I have to add XML Namespaces inside tag
like this,

it worked after that.

Best Regards,

On Nov 4, 4:20 am, Kalpesh P. [email protected] wrote:

    export :add, :expects => [Integer], :returns => [Integer]


I get “uninitialized constant
ActionService::Exporting::ClassMethods::Inflector” error. Can you tell
me what could be the problem?

No idea - I’ve never actually done much with the SOAP stuff. I can’t
even find a reference in the datanoise/actionwebservice code that
would generate an error like that. Do you have a recent version?

So FINALLY I downgraded to Rails 1.2.6 and it worked smoothly
thereafter. It doesn’t throw such weird errors. I am still looking for
the solution with Rails 2.3. Do you have any “working” tutorial or
something? That would be very helpful.

Google couldn’t find any that looked useful; you may want to see if
the examples in the datanoise repo are helpful.

–Matt J.