Event Calendar extension : which url?

What’s the iCal subscription URL? When I publish a Calendar from
iCal, I got two urls:

  • first one to display the calendar html page: http://ical.mac.com/
  • second to subscribe to the calendar: webcal://ical.mac.com/

I tried with both but I am unable to get the Event Calendar extension
to work, i.e. the refresh button does not get the events. So my
1.- which of these urls should I set in the Admin → Event calendars -

my_calendar (I suspect the webcal://)?
2.- should I change something else in configuration files or any
calendar document?


1.- which of these urls should I set in the Admin → Event
calendars - my_calendar (I suspect the webcal://)?

Whatever address spits out a .ics file is correct, however, i suspect
the “webcal://” prefix is going to cause Ruby net/http to hiccup.
Have you tried:

As long as .Mac allows that, it should work.

2.- should I change something else in configuration files or any
calendar document?

As long as you went through the steps in the README installing the
VPIM gem and creating / setting the requisite ical directory under
public then you should be good to go.

Good luck, let me know how it goes.

Feel free to contact me directly,
