Eventful 1.0.0 Released

eventful version 1.0.0 has been released!

+Eventful+ is a small extension on top of Ruby’s +Observable+ module
implements named events, block listeners and event bubbling. It allows
much more flexible event handling behaviour than is typically allowed
by +Observable+, which requires listeners to be objects that implement
+update+ and provides no simple way of calling subsets of observers
on event type.

== Examples

Make a class listenable by mixing +Eventful+ into it:

class Watcher
include Eventful

Register event listeners using +on+ with an event name and a block.
Publish events using +fire+ with the event name. The block accepts
the object that published the event, along with any parameters passed
to +fire+.

w = Watcher.new

w.on(:filechange) { |watcher, path| puts path }
w.on(:filedelete) { |watcher, path| puts “#{ watcher } deleted #{ path

w.fire(:filechange, ‘/path/to/file.txt’)
w.fire(:filedelete, ‘/tmp/pids/event.pid’)



#Watcher:0xb7b485a4 deleted /tmp/pids/event.pid

The +on+ method returns the +Observer+ object used to represent the
so you can remove it using +delete_observer+.

obs = w.on(:filechange) { |watcher| … }

listener will not fire after this


=== Method chains instead of blocks

Instead of passing a block, you can add behaviour to objects by chaining
method calls after the +on+ call. For example:

class Logger
include Eventful

def print(message)
  puts message


log = Logger.new
log.on(:receive).print “Received message”

Calls log.print "Received message"


=== Events that bubble

When you +fire+ an event, the event ‘bubbles’ up the type system. What
this means is that you can listen to events on all the instances of a
class just by placing an event listener on the class itself. As above,
the listener is called with the instance that fired the event.

Logger.on(:receive) { |log, msg| puts “#{ log } :: #{ msg }” }

l1, l2 = Logger.new, Logger.new

l1.fire(:receive, ‘The first message’)
l2.fire(:receive, ‘Another event’)


#Logger:0xb7bf103c :: The first message

#Logger:0xb7bf1028 :: Another event

Method chains can also be used, and they will be replayed on the
that initiated the event.

Calls log.print "Received message"

Logger.on(:receive).print “Received message”

log = Logger.new

On Jun 18, 2009, at 9:09 AM, James C. wrote:

on event type.

This looks really exciting! I created my own replacement for
Observable for a project but it wasn’t nearly as neat as this.
