Exception notification plugin doesn't like Rails Engines?

After I installed the Engines plugin, I see that the
plugin now seems to be unhappy. Specifically, when I start my Rails app
can no longer find ‘exception_notifier_helper’.

This line is particularly odd:
checking plugin ‘exception_notification’ for

Here is the rest of my data from the console:

checking plugin ‘attachment_fu’ for
checking plugin ‘browser_filters’ for
checking plugin ‘comatose’ for
checking plugin ‘engines’ for
checking plugin ‘exception_notification’ for
checking plugin ‘savage_beast’ for
checking plugin ‘scalable_acts_as_taggable’ for
checking plugin ‘white_list’ for
checking plugin ‘white_list_formatted_content’ for
(file not found in application)

Since the exception_notification is pretty common, has anyone else run


Here’s the fix:


James A. wrote:


Sorry for the delayed response - this is probably to do with the fact
that the file is called _helper, but doesn’t reside in
app/helpers within the plugin. I’ll look at adding a fix if I can
track down the issue.

  • James


Sorry for the delayed response - this is probably to do with the fact
that the file is called _helper, but doesn’t reside in
app/helpers within the plugin. I’ll look at adding a fix if I can
track down the issue.

  • James