Excluding column names from a listing

I have a Listing model that I know I don’t want to display a few of the
columns, but I don’t want to hard-code the columns that I do want

Is there a way to exclude certain columns?

This is what I have:
<% for column in Listing.content_columns %>

<%= column.human_name %>

This is roughly what I want (in midnight pseudo-code):
<% for column in Listing.content_columns[exclude: column_1, column_2] %>

<%= column.human_name %>



Why not just customize your code instead of relying on the scaffolding?


Usually, it is better to make your own view instead of using the
scaffold, but sometimes it’s easier just to use the scaffolding.

What I did was override the content_columns method. Just take the

def content_columns
@content_columns ||= columns.reject { |c| c.primary || c.name =~
/(_id|_count)$/ || c.name == inheritance_column }

And add the column names you want to exclude in the regex with _id and



That’s the hint I’ve needed. Hadn’t even thought about writing my own

I’ve read in numerous books/articles not to put the code in the
view… and look what I was trying to do.

Thanks again.

Hi –

On Tue, 26 Dec 2006, matt wrote:

<%= column.human_name %>

This is roughly what I want (in midnight pseudo-code):
<% for column in Listing.content_columns[exclude: column_1, column_2] %>

<%= column.human_name %>



I’d say what’s missing is a content_columns_names method (at least I
can’t find one). It would look something like this:

class ActiveRecord::Base
def self.content_column_human_names
content_columns.map {|c| c.human_name }

You could put that into a plugin, or just roll it into your
application code (as below). In either case, it’s probably best to
put the array operation in the controller, which is a better place for
dynamic determination of names you don’t want.

So the whole thing might look like this (untested, and partially

In the controller:

def my_action
excludes = figure_out_which_names_you_don’t_want
all_names = Listing.content_columns.map {|c| c.human_name }
@header_names = all_names - excludes

And in the view:

<% @header_names.each do |name| %>
<%= name %>
<% end %>


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