Executing iptables command from module

I would like to implement iptables into my module, now I want to know if
I should even try to do this. I know the worker processes don’t run as
root but the master does. So this most likely means I would need to
utilize the system() command using the master process?

Is this the right way to go about this, or do I just need to stop
pursuing this and let other stuff as fail2ban.

If it’s possible to pursue I just need some quick guidance on how I
could achieve this.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

Nevermind I found a way to do this.

Posted at Nginx Forum:

Is there a way to detect if the module is quitting versus reloading. I
know how to tell if it’s quitting by attaching a method to the exit
process. But I can not tell if it’s for a reload?

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On 7/10/2012 7:59 AM, arosolino wrote:

Nevermind I found a way to do this.

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Re: Executing iptables command from module

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can you share how and what you did?
it seems like one thing i would like to know about nginx.


Eliezer C.
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer ngtech.co.il

Well if you are running nginx as a non root user. Then you need to add
the following lines to /etc/sudoers
Defaults:nginx !requiretty
nginx ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/iptables

The above is necessary because iptables can only be modified as root.

I can’t dump the code here for my module because it’s irrelevant, but
you can basically use the system() command at this point to add an entry
from IP tables.

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