On Tue, 10 Oct 2006, Yukihiro M. wrote:
p a # accessing a upgrades its scope.
But block parameters and explicitly declared block local variables are not
subject of this upgrading.
hmmm. it’s kinda like ‘scope coercion’. seems kinda slippery - like
’ “1” + 41 ’
in perl…
plus it gets tricky when one meant to go ‘up’ a scope, but it went
‘down’ one
i = 42
1000 lines of code
n.times do |i|
m.times do |i|
p i # goes down or up depending on ‘i = 42’ line way above…
on the otherhand, if all vars in block are local it’s tough to get one
would a block local var be declared using something like
local x
or are all block vars simply local by default?
how about an explicit scope upgrade:
4.times{ export a = gets }
another thing which springs to mind is an objectified stack - it could
this problem too, working similarly for stack and scope:
def foo()
context = callstack.first # list of objectified stack objects
context[‘a’] = 42 # set local var ‘a’ in binding of caller
def foo()
4.times do
context = scope.first # list of objectified scope objects
context[‘a’] = 42 # set local var ‘a’ in first outer scope
not too mention skinning a bunch of other cats too…
just throwing things out there… the problem of callstack, scope, and
manipulating them in general (setting vars being one instance) seem
but i’m no language designer…
|is there a reccomended approach that will work in both 1.8 and 1.9 so as
|to smooth the transition?
Consider block parameters are block local even when you’re using 1.8.
It’s a good thing in general, I think.
but, if we also consider block locals as, well, local, what’s the
method for getting them ‘out’? for example,
which = nil
container.each{|elem| break(which = elem) if predicate[elem]}
are there two ‘which’ vars here (local and top-level)? or will ‘which’
successfully be exported?
kind regards.