Explanation of overriding method with lambda


I am reading the tutorial at:

and I understand everything except this last method override code.

We had this,(line below) which is simple and we are overriding to make
it “better”
upcase_words = words.map {|x| x.upcase}

class Symbol
# A generalized conversion of a method name
# to a proc that runs this method.
def to_proc
lambda {|x, *args| x.send(self, *args)}

Voila !

words = %w(Jane, aara, multiko)
upcase_words = words.map(&:upcase)

So we are overriding the to_proc method with
lambda {|x, *args| x.send(self, *args)}

so in the lambda, the x in |x, args| is the same as the |x| in the
block (Jane, aara, multiko)(yes?, no?)

and the args in |x, args| is the symbol :ucase, (yes?, no?)

I don’t understand x.send(self, *args)
self is the symbol :ucase ?
but so is args ???

In my brain, at some point I get “jane.send(self, *args)”

I’m lost.

I do understand the concept of opening a class and overriding a
method, just not the details here.

Thank in advance

On Jun 27, 1:17 pm, Ruby F. [email protected] wrote:

words = %w(Jane, aara, multiko)
upcase_words = words.map(&:upcase)

So we are overriding the to_proc method with
lambda {|x, *args| x.send(self, *args)}

so in the lambda, the x in |x, args| is the same as the |x| in the
block (Jane, aara, multiko)(yes?, no?)


and the args in |x, args| is the symbol :ucase, (yes?, no?)


I don’t understand x.send(self, *args)
self is the symbol :ucase ?
but so is args ???

In my brain, at some point I get “jane.send(self, *args)”

I’m lost.

So you know that & is a shorthand for saying “this is a block” and it
converts the following value using its to_proc method, right? That’s
where the convenient shorthand of &:upcase comes from. Look at these

%w[one two three].collect { |x| x.upcase }
%w[one two three].collect { |x| x.send(:upcase) } # same as above

class Symbol
def to_proc
lambda { |x| x.send(self) }

%w[one two three].collect(&:upcase) # calls :upcase.to_proc
:upcase.to_proc returns lambda { |x| x.send(:upcase) }

I don’t quite understand when I see the definition of Symbol#to_proc
with *args. Where might these args come from? Maybe I’m just not using
Symbol#to_proc correctly.

Try this on for size:

class Symbol
def to_proc
lambda do |x, *args|
p x
p self
p args
x.send(self, *args)

%w[one two three].collect(&:upcase)

=> [“ONE”, “TWO”, “THREE”]

Hope this helped.

On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 1:47 AM, Ruby F. [email protected]

Thanks yossef. The override you wrote makes sense. I give up on *args

I think that is a good decision as they cannot be accessed at all.
This seems like an error on the Wiki page to me.



AALST (n.) One who changes his name to be further to the front
D.Adams; The Meaning of LIFF

with *args. Where might these args come from? Maybe I’m just not using
Symbol#to_proc correctly.

That is/was exactly my problem, I don’t understand the *args part.

Thanks yossef. The override you wrote makes sense. I give up on *args