Extend UserEngine to have different user type

Hello, I’m new to Rails and expecially to Engines.
I’ve just installed the LoginRngine and the UserEngine.

I’m developing a new application where I have different type of users
with different personal data.

The UserEngine like it is now, it doesn’t allow to manage this (right ?)

What do you think is the best way to manage this situation ?

  • expand the engine so that it can handle diffent type of users
  • forget the engine and manage everything in the application.


Just because the provided engine controllers/views don’t provide the
mechanisms to edit your custom user data doesn’t mean you can’t use
them - you can create your own controllers to edit the data, or use
the code-mixing mechanism engines provide to extend/modify the
existing controllers to suit your application.

It’s important, especially for someone coming recently to Rails, to
realise that there does not need to be a 1-1 mapping between models
and controllers.

  • james

On 1/30/06, Simone F. [email protected] wrote:

  • expand the engine so that it can handle diffent type of users
  • forget the engine and manage everything in the application.


engine-users mailing list
[email protected]

  • J *

JA> or use the code-mixing mechanism engines provide to extend/modify
JA> existing controllers to suit your application.
What you mean exactly with “code-mixing mechanism” ?
Can you provide some links ?

Thanks again


http://api.rails-engines.org/engines (section ‘Tweaking Engines’)

and of course: http://rails-engines.org/

On 1/31/06, Simone F. [email protected] wrote:

What you mean exactly with “code-mixing mechanism” ?
Can you provide some links ?

  • J *