Hi there, I’d like to extend RedCloth. For example I’d like that
although expressions like !C! Textline are substituted with
What is the best/ruby way to achieve this? My ideas was:
a. write a extension for RedCloth and register to the RC base (is this
b. Extending the RedCloth class (aka patching)
Any ideas appreciated,
Hi Daniel
Daniel Völkerts wrote:
Hi there, I’d like to extend RedCloth.
b. Extending the RedCloth class (aka patching)
No idea if it is best, but that is what I did. Take a look halfway
The tricky bit was adjusting the order that things were done in the
RULES array so that the different changes didn’t clash.
Tom Counsell schrieb:
The tricky bit was adjusting the order that things were done in the
RULES array so that the different changes didn’t clash.
Thanks a lot. I would be helpful if there are any #register(…) methods
were I can hook in my extensions and which handle the rule thing
correctly. But for my needs I cascade the call, e.g. following the
example on the RedCloth side:
s = RedCloth.new “simple test with !C! Attention”
followed by a chain of s.gsub!(“”) goals. So I’m not
threating the RedCoth thing and it is aware of further RedCloth updates
(as I don’t any rules internally).
Thanks for your fast help,