When the following code is run:
page.alert(@category.errors.full_messages.collect { |msg| msg + “\n” })
The following JavaScript is output:
alert([“Name is too short (minimum is 3 characters)”, “Name can’t be
So, my message in the alert box looks like:
Name is too short (minimum is 3 characters)
,Name can’t be blank.
The comma is on the wrong line. Any ideas on how I can get around
this? I’d like to have one error per line.
Thanks in advance,
Ryan P.
[email protected]
page.alert(@category.errors.full_messages.collect { |msg| msg + “\n” })
The following JavaScript is output:
alert([“Name is too short (minimum is 3 characters)”, “Name can’t be
The collect method returns an array, so you are passing an array to
alert. I think you want join, which will return a string:
you probably want to do
which will generate
alert(“Name is too short (minimum is 3 characters),\nName can’t be
your method is actually generating:
alert([“Name is too short (minimum is 3 characters\n”, “Name can’t be
which alert then apparently joins with a comma, ending up with what
you see in the alert dialog.