This is a basic question, as I’m very new to Ruby. I have a text file
‘input.dat’ containing the following data and text:
161.00 2.9760E-03 1.7378E-03
162.00 2.8956E-03 1.7431E-03
163.00 2.8148E-03 1.7479E-03
164.00 2.7338E-03 1.7523E-03
165.00 2.6526E-03 1.7562E-03
166.00 2.5714E-03 1.7597E-03
167.00 2.4902E-03 1.7628E-03
I would like to extract the 3 columns of data for several consecutive
lines (say, from angle = 158 to 165). These values should be stored
in some array or vector. How can I do that in Ruby?
Many thanks,
On Oct 17, 10:03 am, baptiste Auguié [email protected] wrote:
164.00 2.7338E-03 1.7523E-03
165.00 2.6526E-03 1.7562E-03
166.00 2.5714E-03 1.7597E-03
167.00 2.4902E-03 1.7628E-03
I would like to extract the 3 columns of data for several consecutive
lines (say, from angle = 158 to 165). These values should be stored
in some array or vector. How can I do that in Ruby?
Make an array of arrays of numbers
based on scanning for non-whitespace characters
(all strings will show up as 0.0)
values = IO.readlines( ‘input.dat’ ).map{ |line|
line.scan( /\S+/ ).map{ |str| str.to_f }
my_range = values.select{ |angle, _|
(158…165).include?( angle )
require ‘pp’
pp my_range
#=> [[158.0, 0.003214, 0.001719],
#=> [159.0, 0.0031354, 0.0017258],
#=> [160.0, 0.003056, 0.001732],
#=> [161.0, 0.002976, 0.0017378],
#=> [162.0, 0.0028956, 0.0017431],
#=> [163.0, 0.0028148, 0.0017479],
#=> [164.0, 0.0027338, 0.0017523],
#=> [165.0, 0.0026526, 0.0017562]]
On Oct 17, 2007, at 11:03 AM, baptiste Auguié wrote:
angle value1 value2
165.00 2.6526E-03 1.7562E-03
Many ways to approach it of course.
You could use CSV or FasterCSV since your data file is lines (rows)
with columns separated by tabs or spaces.
CSV or FasterCSV might be more useful to do other things also with
the data file.
but you can also just read the first 3 or 4 bytes of each line to
find the lines you want.
thanks so much!
I’ll try and use this array with rgsl now…
Best regards,
On 17 Oct 2007, at 17:25, Phrogz wrote:
163.00 2.8148E-03 1.7479E-03
based on scanning for non-whitespace characters
pp my_range
#=> [[158.0, 0.003214, 0.001719],
#=> [159.0, 0.0031354, 0.0017258],
#=> [160.0, 0.003056, 0.001732],
#=> [161.0, 0.002976, 0.0017378],
#=> [162.0, 0.0028956, 0.0017431],
#=> [163.0, 0.0028148, 0.0017479],
#=> [164.0, 0.0027338, 0.0017523],
#=> [165.0, 0.0026526, 0.0017562]]
Baptiste Auguié
Physics Department
University of Exeter
Stocker Road,
Exeter, Devon,
Phone: +44 1392 264187
Gavin K. wrote:
On Oct 17, 10:03 am, baptiste Augui� [email protected] wrote:
164.00 2.7338E-03 1.7523E-03
165.00 2.6526E-03 1.7562E-03
166.00 2.5714E-03 1.7597E-03
167.00 2.4902E-03 1.7628E-03
I would like to extract the 3 columns of data for several consecutive
lines (say, from angle = 158 to 165). These values should be stored
in some array or vector. How can I do that in Ruby?
Make an array of arrays of numbers
based on scanning for non-whitespace characters
(all strings will show up as 0.0)
values = IO.readlines( ‘input.dat’ ).map{ |line|
line.scan( /\S+/ ).map{ |str| str.to_f }
my_range = values.select{ |angle, _|
(158…165).include?( angle )
require ‘pp’
pp my_range
#=> [[158.0, 0.003214, 0.001719],
#=> [159.0, 0.0031354, 0.0017258],
#=> [160.0, 0.003056, 0.001732],
#=> [161.0, 0.002976, 0.0017378],
#=> [162.0, 0.0028956, 0.0017431],
#=> [163.0, 0.0028148, 0.0017479],
#=> [164.0, 0.0027338, 0.0017523],
#=> [165.0, 0.0026526, 0.0017562]]
On my system, this is faster:
start = ‘> 163.00’
stop = ‘> 166.00’
results = []
get_line = false
File.foreach(“data.txt”) do |line|
test_field = line[0, start.length]
if test_field == start
get_line = true
if get_line
results << line.split()[1…-1].map{|str| str.to_f}
if test_field == stop
Am Donnerstag, 18. Okt 2007, 01:03:21 +0900 schrieb baptiste
Auguié:>> 165.00 2.6526E-03 1.7562E-03
166.00 2.5714E-03 1.7597E-03
167.00 2.4902E-03 1.7628E-03
I would like to extract the 3 columns of data for several consecutive lines
(say, from angle = 158 to 165). These values should be stored in some array
or vector. How can I do that in Ruby?
Anybody considered ranges?
r = 158…165
file.each { |l|
ang, val1, val2 = l.split.map { |x| Float x }
r === ang and do_sth_with val1, val2
r = 158…165
file.each { |l|
ang, val1, val2 = l.split.map { |x| Float x }
case ang
when r then do_sth_with val1, val2
Does anybody remember flip-flops?
file.each { |l|
ang, val1, val2 = l.split.map { |x| Float x }
iang = ang.floor
if (iang==158)…(iang==165) then
do_sth_with val1, val2
The floor call is not actually beautiful here but always
keep in mind equality shouldn’t be tested for floats.
Flip-flops need equality.
On Oct 17, 11:03 am, baptiste Auguié [email protected] wrote:
156.00 3.3688E-03 1.7040E-03
167.00 2.4902E-03 1.7628E-03
I would like to extract the 3 columns of data for several consecutive
lines (say, from angle = 158 to 165). These values should be stored
in some array or vector. How can I do that in Ruby?
Many thanks,
p IO.readlines( ‘input.dat’).grep( /^\d/ ).
map{|s| s.strip.split.map{|x| x.to_f}}.select{|a|
a.first.between?(158,165) }
On Oct 17, 11:03 am, baptiste Auguié [email protected] wrote:
156.00 3.3688E-03 1.7040E-03
167.00 2.4902E-03 1.7628E-03
I would like to extract the 3 columns of data for several consecutive
lines (say, from angle = 158 to 165). These values should be stored
in some array or vector. How can I do that in Ruby?
Many thanks,
p IO.readlines( ‘input.dat’).grep( /^\d/ ).
map{|s| s.strip.split.map{|x| x.to_f}}.select{|a|
a.first.between?(158,165) }
From: 7stud – [mailto:[email protected]]
William J. wrote:
> p IO.readlines( ‘input.dat’).grep( /^\d/ ).
> map{|s| s.strip.split.map{|x| x.to_f}}.select{|a|
> a.first.between?(158,165) }
Better. Still slower.
how about this,
ARGF.each do |line|
if line =~ /158/ … line =~ /165/
a << line.split.map{|x|x.to_f}
'just joining the fun in ruby
kind regards -botp
William J. wrote:
William J. wrote:
166.00 2.5714E-03 1.7597E-03
p IO.readlines( ‘input.dat’).grep( /^\d/ ).
map{|s| s.strip.split.map{|x| x.to_f}}.select{|a|
a.first.between?(158,165) }
Please pardon my perverse prolixity. I threw in a “strip” even though
my subconscious told me it was superfluous.
p IO.readlines( ‘input.dat’).grep( /^\d/ ).
map{|s| s.split.map{|x| x.to_f}}.select{|a|
a.first.between?(158,165) }
I took out your superfluous grep() too, but it doesn’t help your cause
Peña, Botp wrote:
how about this,
ARGF.each do |line|
if line =~ /158/ … line =~ /165/
a << line.split.map{|x|x.to_f}
'just joining the fun in ruby
kind regards -botp
A winner by a nose.
William J. wrote:
166.00 2.5714E-03 1.7597E-03
p IO.readlines( ‘input.dat’).grep( /^\d/ ).
map{|s| s.strip.split.map{|x| x.to_f}}.select{|a|
a.first.between?(158,165) }
Please pardon my perverse prolixity. I threw in a “strip” even though
my subconscious told me it was superfluous.
p IO.readlines( ‘input.dat’).grep( /^\d/ ).
map{|s| s.split.map{|x| x.to_f}}.select{|a|
a.first.between?(158,165) }
Hi –
On Thu, 18 Oct 2007, Phrogz wrote:
163.00 2.8148E-03 1.7479E-03
based on scanning for non-whitespace characters
(all strings will show up as 0.0)
values = IO.readlines( ‘input.dat’ ).map{ |line|
line.scan( /\S+/ ).map{ |str| str.to_f }
require ‘scanf’
values = IO.readlines(‘input.dat’).map {|line| line.scanf("%f%f%f") }
(Assuming the > at the beginning isn’t really part of it – otherwise
I’m not entering the speed contest but scanf might be nice for the
On Oct 17, 11:03 am, baptiste Auguié [email protected] wrote:
156.00 3.3688E-03 1.7040E-03
167.00 2.4902E-03 1.7628E-03
I would like to extract the 3 columns of data for several consecutive
lines (say, from angle = 158 to 165). These values should be stored
in some array or vector. How can I do that in Ruby?
Many thanks,
#!awk -f
/^158/, /^165/ { count++
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
a[count, i] = $i + 0
for (i=1; (i,1) in a; i++)
{ for (j=1; (i,j) in a; j++)
printf "%f ", a[i,j]
On Oct 17, 12:32 pm, 7stud – [email protected] wrote:
On my system, this is faster:
start = ‘> 163.00’
If you can’t guess that "> " isn’t actually part of the data,
you could have deduced it from the fact that the o.p. gave
Gavin’s program the seal of approval. Gavin’s program won’t
work if the lines start with "> ". Your program won’t work
since the lines don’t start with "> ".
if get_line
results << line.split()[1…-1].map{|str| str.to_f}
if test_field == stop
Have you thought about doing all of your programming in COBOL?
William J. wrote:
#!awk -f
/^158/, /^165/ { count++
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
a[count, i] = $i + 0
for (i=1; (i,1) in a; i++)
{ for (j=1; (i,j) in a; j++)
printf "%f ", a[i,j]
baptiste Auguié wrote:
How can I do that in Ruby?
If that wasn’t clear enough for you, here’s another clue: look at the
title of the group you posted to. Does it say ‘awk’ anywhere?