sudo gem install facets does not work for me at the moment.
I have to manually download the gem and install it from local disk.
Can you please have a look at this?
sudo gem install facets does not work for me at the moment.
I have to manually download the gem and install it from local disk.
Can you please have a look at this?
On Oct 2, 6:11 am, “George M.” [email protected]
sudo gem install facets does not work for me at the moment.
I have to manually download the gem and install it from local disk.
Can you please have a look at this?
C:\Documents and Settings\trans>gem install facets
Bulk updating Gem source index for:
Successfully installed facets-1.8.54
Installing ri documentation for facets-1.8.54…
Installing RDoc documentation for facets-1.8.54…
C:\Documents and Settings\trans>
No problems here. Try it again and let me know exactly what’s going
BTW, I’m going to release 2.0.0 today.
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