Finally got back to Nitro - been swamped by business related stuff.
While I’ve been away, the version of facets has been revved to 2.0.2,
but the reference in the glue gem spec is 1.8.54
$ rake dist:all
$ sudo gem install dist/glue-0.50.0.gem dist/og-0.50.0.gem dist/
raw-0.50.0.gem dist/nitro-0.50.0.gem
ERROR: While executing gem … (RuntimeError)
Error instaling dist/glue-0.50.0.gem:
glue requires facets = 1.8.54
I changed the requirement to allow Facets 2 but I wasn’t sure if that
was correct. From the discussions I’ve skimmed over, I was under the
impression Nitro 0.50 was intended to use Facets 2?
Incidentally, is the above the easiest way to get the latest Nitro?
I remember setting a few environment variables first time round,
can’t remember what they are though.
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