I’m new to ruby and just learning cucumber and rspec. I have some
examples(tests) that need to fake a directory structure and file
grouping, fake a properly formatted json file and fake a ruby-git
interraction (git.fetch, git.merge).
I’ve been reading about mocks and stubs but still feeling a little in
the dark.
Given some example tests like the following
describe “#update_repo” do
it “should update the repository without errors” do
git = double(‘git’)
# How do I mock this so that the Git object is “faked” and the
calls to fetch/merge don’t cause an error without actually talking to a
remote repo
lambda { @app.update_repo git }.should_not raise_error
describe “#check_json” do
it “should check that the har files are valid json if they exist” do
# In the real context @app.files contains a list of har json
# How do I mock the json files on the file system
test_contents = @app.organize_test_contents @app.files
# Can I mock test_contents or use a fixture?
result = @app.check_json test_contents
result.should =~ /JSON Valid/
What are some recommended ways for faking data, faking file systems,
faking network interractions