Sorry, this is kind of off-topic, but since most of the people who use
mod_fastcgi and fcgi.rb are probably on RoR, I though this would be most
appropriate place to ask the question.
My website has experienced an outage because the fcgi script repeatedly
Under mod_fastcgi the server attempts to restart 3 times and then
increases the restart interval to 600 seconds (=10 minutes) to prevent a
single process from hogging resources. Unfortunately that means that you
have at least a 10 minute outage. I’m trying to configure mod_fastcgi so
that it retries every 60 seconds no matter what, but I can’t find any
way of doing this in the “documentation”.
This is the configuration for my server process:
FastCgiServer /usr/local/apache/fastcgi/abcdefg.fcgi -processes 1
Can you help?
BTW Is there any way of performing an
apachectl graceful
automatically when there’s a problem with a module?
Best regards,