please switch to Ferret 0.11.4 first.
On Thu, Sep 06, 2007 at 02:03:23PM +0530, golak Sarangi wrote:
score of a result is calculated.
Hi jens
I tried the explain function but it generates a segmentation fault and the
whole application crashes.
I am facing one more problem. I am creating index on my data base. while
creating index i am adding boost on the document. but it show segmentation
fault on Free BSD while the index gets gerated in a Ms-windows for the
code. Am i doing something wrong.
I am using ferret 0.10.9 on both machine. I am using ruby 1.8.4 for
while 1.8.5 for linux. is that causing problem. I cant change the ruby
version on linux machine as thatis the server.
I had tried 0.11.4 but the problem with it was it generated an “error
rb_w32_write could not be located” while the older version did not. so
now i
am using 0.10.9