Hi, I had made one apllication for job posting. in which a user has to
fill a form. In that form there are section like Personal Information(in
which he has to to fill his personal information), Professional
Information. Both these section are in same page but they get stored in
two table in database. Personal Information get store in user table and
professional information get store in professional table. In the
professional information table there are field like skills,
Suppose Mr.A fills the form with the professional field as
Skills C, C++, Java, Jsp
interest_in Java,Struts,ruby
Experience 5yr.
Current_project Java
Mr.B fill the form like
skills C, ruby, .net
interested_in ruby,rubyonrails
Experience_in 3
current_project Ruby.
Now these values get store in the database. Now i want to make reports
to find that how many person know which skills, how many are
interested_in which field, how many are in which project, how many yr.
of experience they are having. I had made a report like this
for skills
Skills No. of Person
C 02
C++ 01
Java 01
Jsp 01
Ruby 01
.net 01 -
for interested_in
interested_in No. of Person
Java 01
Struts 01
ruby 02
Robyonrails 01
like this for current project and experience.
I had given a link to all suppose i click on c in the skill report to
check how many person know C. As i click on C it will take me to next
page where the name of all the person who know C will come out with his
little bit of more information about them.
till the report part it’s working fine for all reports, i am getting the
right report.
Here in the ruby link which is in skills report you can see only one
person skills is ruby. but when i click on the ruby link it will show me
the two person on the next page.
What i am thinking is that these information are stored in one table.
but when we are searching for ruby the ferret has stored two name one
the person whose skills is ruby and the second ruby is for the person
who is interested_in. SO how can i search ruby only for skills column.