FILE test

I noticed that a lot of scripts apply the following coding pattern:

if FILE == $0


I know what is does but what kind of problems does it solve?



On Feb 21, 2006, at 8:58 AM, raving_ruby_rider wrote:

I noticed that a lot of scripts apply the following coding pattern:

if FILE == $0


I know what is does but what kind of problems does it solve?

It allows the file to be both a library (when required the if
statement will not run) and executable.

Hope that helps.

James Edward G. II

You will see this sort of thing in other scripting languages. FILE
contains the name of the file source file and $0 is the name of the
currently executing script. So a file called hello.rb

class Hello
def initialize(name)
@name = name

def greet
    puts "Hello #{@name}"


if FILE == $0 then
h =‘World’)

you can then run this file with ruby hello.rb which will run the code at
the bottom. However with tom.rb

require ‘hello’

h =‘tom’)

when you run tom.rb the FILE == $0 part of hello does not run as the
file hello.rb but the currently executing script is tom.rb. This allows
you to have a ruby file hold the class for inclusion by other scripts
and also be a utility script in it’s own right.

DÅ?a Utorok 21 Február 2006 20:25 Damphyr napísal:

and also be a utility script in it’s own right.

Not to mention the fact that it allows you to easily write unit tests
for most of the code in a script.

Which I personally can’t bear the sight of. Library is script is test?
Just my two cents.

David V.

On 2/21/06, David V. [email protected] wrote:

Which I personally can’t bear the sight of. Library is script is test? Nuh-uh.

So what is the ‘ruby way’ to store your unit tests? A separate
require’d file?

Peter H. wrote:

You will see this sort of thing in other scripting languages. FILE
contains the name of the file source file and $0 is the name of the
currently executing script. So a file called hello.rb

when you run tom.rb the FILE == $0 part of hello does not run as the
file hello.rb but the currently executing script is tom.rb. This allows
you to have a ruby file hold the class for inclusion by other scripts
and also be a utility script in it’s own right.

Not to mention the fact that it allows you to easily write unit tests
for most of the code in a script.

Adam S. wrote:

So what is the ‘ruby way’ to store your unit tests? A separate
require’d file?

Well, going by the Pickaxe book you end up with something like this:


in ./classfilename/lib you create your ruby source file classfilename.rb
in ./classfilename/test you create your ruby test/unit file

In classfilename_tc.rb you put the following lines at the start:


The following prefixes …/lib to the active ruby load path

$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(FILE), “…”, “lib”)

require ‘test/unit’
require ‘classfilename’

class Test_ClassFileName < Test::Unit::TestCase


and then write your test cases as methods. When you run your test suite
you can invoke it from any palce on the system as the #unshift prefixes
the load path with the relative location of the classfilename.rb with
respect to the test case file.

Thus, assuming that for the example given above that ./ = ~/ruby then:

#ruby -w ~/ruby/classfilename/test/classfilename_tc.rb

will work whatever pwd you are in.

I love test/unit…


David V. wrote:

and also be a utility script in it’s own right.
Not to mention the fact that it allows you to easily write unit tests
for most of the code in a script.

Which I personally can’t bear the sight of. Library is script is test? Nuh-uh.
Just my two cents.
Well I actually put the unit tests in a different file.
The if $0==FILE check allows me to require the script in the unit
test file.
Following mostly the DRY principle and having a knack for organizing
code allows you to group most of the functionality in objects (at which
point you put them in a ‘library’ file and forget about it) or methods
to be used by the ‘top-level’ script. Requiring the ‘script’ file allows
me to unit test the methods without contriving manual tests.
I found it most valuable when I do parameter parsing and
parameter/configuration validation in my command line scripts.