Filter chain halted log entries

Checking the logs I’m getting a lot of these ‘errors’:

Filter chain halted as [#<Proc:0x405953cc@…/config/…/vendor/rails/
actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:242>] returned false

It’s not halting anything and everything seems to be ticking along
(apart from the feeds weirdness) but it doesn’t look healthy. Know
what I mean?


Gary S. [email protected] writes:

Checking the logs I’m getting a lot of these ‘errors’:

Filter chain halted as [#<Proc:0x405953cc@…/config/…/vendor/rails/
actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:242>] returned false

It’s not halting anything and everything seems to be ticking along
(apart from the feeds weirdness) but it doesn’t look healthy. Know
what I mean?

I think that’s probably a cache hit.

Yeah, it’s a cache hit. There’s no easy way to keep rails from logging