Find_by_sql and date_format


I’m beginning my first project in Ruby (and Rails) and running into
an issue. I need to pull some data out of mysql using the date_format
command but ActiveRecord is not appreciating my sql. I’m doing
something like:

Table.find_by_sql( [ ‘select column1, date_format("%Y%m%d", column2)
as column2 from table where column1 = ?’, some_data ] );

More or less it looks like that. The key problem seems to be the
date_format has %'s in it and it gives me:

malformed format string - %Y

And the trace:

active_record/base.rb:1418:in %' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.15.3/lib/ active_record/base.rb:1418:insanitize_sql_array’
active_record/base.rb:1387:in sanitize_sql' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.15.3/lib/ active_record/base.rb:427:infind_by_sql’

Is there any way to handle this situation? I also tried using the raw
connection, but that didn’t seem to take bind variables which I found
unsatisfying, so didn’t pursue it too closely.

Any help/pointers are greatly appreciated.


On 3/25/07, felix sheng [email protected] wrote:

More or less it looks like that. The key problem seems to be the


According to
, the function should be called as:


That is, the format is the SECOND argument.
