I’m sure others have fixed this and maybe its already fixed in the
unstable version, but here is my fix for the stable version that fixes
the flickr sidebar because the feed has changed.
Hi Steve,
Has the feed has changed?
It looks the same to me.
Hey Jon,
Well here is what happened to me. I downloaded the 4.0X branch from svn.
I tried to enable the flickr side bar plugin on my blog and it didn’t
work. I couldn’t figure it out and I saw that other people had it
running on their blogs. I searched Google and this list but never found
an answer. I decided to just fix it by comparing my feed to the the
flick.rb. Well I got it fixed and published the fix. BUT…
The real reason I was having this issue is because the feed I was trying
to load was
Notice that I forgot the trailing 0 it should read &format=rss200. So,
by default if you don’t type a correct format it defaults to Atom (which
I should have noticed).
So in effect I really didn’t fix anything I just created a atom feed
aggregator instead. Sorry for the confusion. I have also updated my blog
entry to let everyone know.