Folder delete script

Hi. I am a rubyn00b. I need help. I’m trying to write a script that will
delete specific sub folders in a particular folder. I would like to
all folders that begin with lets say the letter “T” that are two weeks
It would probably work like the deltree command in dos (deltree T*.*
How would I write that in ruby? Is it also possible to use wildcards in
ruby? If so how? Any help would be greatly appreciated. TY!

On 4/2/07, Gus H. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

Hi. I am a rubyn00b. I need help. I’m trying to write a script that will
delete specific sub folders in a particular folder. I would like to delete
all folders that begin with lets say the letter “T” that are two weeks old.
It would probably work like the deltree command in dos (deltree T*.* /s).
How would I write that in ruby? Is it also possible to use wildcards in
ruby? If so how? Any help would be greatly appreciated. TY!

The Dir.glob command will help you find folders that start with a
particular letter. The File.stat command will help you determine the
creation / modification times of those folders and whether or not they
are folders at all.

The documentation for these items can be found on the Ruby-doc website.

Have fun learning Ruby! Ruby has taught me more about programming
than any other language out there. The community is simply wonderful,


On Tue, 3 Apr 2007, Gus H. wrote:

Hi. I am a rubyn00b. I need help. I’m trying to write a script that will
delete specific sub folders in a particular folder. I would like to delete
all folders that begin with lets say the letter “T” that are two weeks old.
It would probably work like the deltree command in dos (deltree T*.* /s).
How would I write that in ruby? Is it also possible to use wildcards in
ruby? If so how? Any help would be greatly appreciated. TY!

harp:~ > cat a.rb
require ‘fileutils’

pattern = ‘T*.*’

Dir.glob(’/’) do |entry|
next unless test ?d, entry
FileUtils.rm_rf entry if File.fnmatch pattern, entry
