Hey all,
We (Atlantic Dominion Solutions) launched http://www.whatsupinruby.com
this morning. This is a niche site that does two things:
- Tells you what is going on in the Ruby world (we parse many many
RSS feeds).
- Provides search of sites only relevant to Ruby, including Rails,
Merb, Rubinius and more.
Check it out at http://www.whatsupinruby.com and let us know what you
think. Read the About page to learn what we have in this beta release
and what is upcoming for 1.0.
I think that 503 unavailable doesn’t inspire much confidence. I’m
pretty sure there’s more up than that in the Ruby world.
I agree with you. We are doing a major update to the site this weekend
and should have it up in the beginning of next week. The details are
here: http://rorblog.techcfl.com/2008/04/25/you-talked-we-listened/
Hey all,
We just released a major update to What’s up in Ruby. And an FYI, it
is 100% Ruby and Rails!
Check out the site here: http://www.whatsupinruby.com
Learn about this update here:
We look forward to more of your feedback. Thanks again.
Robert D.