Form Filler

Is there an equivalent in Ruby to the Perl modules which can “fill out
an html/http form”?

Given a hash, I’d like to either get the query string to append to the
URL for GET’s, or the POST contents to append for POST’s, as if the
hash was the form[field] = value. The routine should handle the url
encoding and the like.

Any luck?
(If not, anyone up for a quick few lines of Ruby ninjahood?)

On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 [email protected] wrote:

Is there an equivalent in Ruby to the Perl modules which can “fill out
an html/http form”?

Given a hash, I’d like to either get the query string to append to the
URL for GET’s, or the POST contents to append for POST’s, as if the
hash was the form[field] = value. The routine should handle the url
encoding and the like.

Any luck?
(If not, anyone up for a quick few lines of Ruby ninjahood?)

harp:~ > cat a.rb
require “cgi”

class ::Hash
def query() map{|k,v| [CGI::escape(k), CGI::escape(v)].join
“=”}.join “&” end

query = { “foo” => “< > &”, “bar” => “http://b/a space” }

puts query.query

harp:~ > ruby a.rb



puts query.query

harp:~ > ruby a.rb

6 minutes from post to solution - is that a record?


DÅ?a Utorok 14 Február 2006 05:19 Kev J. napísal:

puts query.query

harp:~ > ruby a.rb

6 minutes from post to solution - is that a record?


Ara’s time machine is almost as good as Guido’s time machine, it seems.

Oh, and someone apparently hacked up a Ruby WWW::Mechanize which is
to do this.

David V.

Excellent, most appreciated.

Forgive my RFC ignorance, but is the same string appended to the URL
for GETs and sent as the bod for POST’s? Or is there a difference in
the encoding somehow?

On Tue, 14 Feb 2006, Kev J. wrote:

6 minutes from post to solution - is that a record?

i think i got one in under 2 before… :wink:


On Wed, 15 Feb 2006 [email protected] wrote:

Excellent, most appreciated.

Forgive my RFC ignorance, but is the same string appended to the URL
for GETs and sent as the bod for POST’s? Or is there a difference in
the encoding somehow?

it certainly is different. google around for more info. you’ll need to
something like http-access2 for posting form data. check out my
script (on rubyforge no less) for a pretty complete example of posting
including file uploads and redirects.

