Is it possible to pass this FormBuilder object to a controller and then
back to a partial?
I have a form rendering a partial that i would like to update with a
call to my controller based on user selectable parameters, but when the
AJAX comes back, i get this error message because i cannot pass a form
builder object between the controller and the view:
“undefined method `text_area’ for
My View looks like this:
<% form_for @phrase, :action => ‘foo’ do |@f| -%>
<%= select_tag(:language,
:onchange=> remote_function(:with =>
:update => ‘slang_form_partial’,
:url => {:action => :something, :form => @f}
)) %>
<%= render :partial => 'forms/slang_form_partial'%>
<%= @f.submit %>
In my controller i have something that looks like this:
def something
@default_language = params[:language]
@f = params[:form]
render :partial => ‘forms/slang_form_partial’
Is it possible to pass this FormBuilder object to a controller and then
back to a partial? Rails 2.1.0 and Ruby 1.8.6.