Form problem

Hi all,

I have a form:
<%= form_tag ‘/admin/update_node’ %>
<%= hidden_field_tag(‘id’, %>
<%= text_field(‘name’,, {:size => 20, :value =>}) %>
<%= submit_tag(‘Save’) %>
<% end_form_tag %>

rendered in html

and the controller function
def update_node
Node.update(params[:id], {:name => params[:name]})
redirect_to(:action => index)

When I save, the record (name) gets returned with a lot of garbage
(lines and newlines).

Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

When I save, the record (name) gets ???returned??? with a lot of

Your description is not precise… unable to comply :frowning:

2007/1/25, Tarscher [email protected]:

Tarscher wrote:

rendered in html
redirect_to(:action => index)

When I save, the record (name) gets returned with a lot of garbage
(lines and newlines).

params[:name] will be a Hash rather than a String because the
name property of the text field is “name[SelfMate II]”.

You probably want to use the text_field_tag helper rather
than the text_field helper.

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