I have a form which generates a report. The first issue I ran into was
trying to create a model to validate some of the entries without saving
them…that didnt’ work out too well, so I created a report table. I
figured uses could save reports for later viewing as a feature.
The form has two field names: report for fields pertaining to the
report and :check which are fields not being saved. The check fields
have names like: “use_agreed_to_participate” which let me know to use
the data in that field to filter by. Here’s a snippet:
Schedule Date
<%= datetime_select('report', 'schedule_date_to') %><br /><br />
<%= datetime_select('report', 'schedule_date_from') %>
<%= check_box('check','use_schedule_date', :checked_value => "1",
:unchecked_value => “0”) %>
Everything works perfect unless my Report object throws an error on
save which brings you back to the form page.
Error snippet:
Showing app/views/admin/_report_form.rhtml where line #31 raised:
undefined method `use_updated_on’ for
Extracted source (around line #31):
28: <%= datetime_select(‘report’, ‘updated_on_to’) %>
31: <%= check_box(‘check’,‘use_updated_on’, :checked_value => “1”,
:unchecked_value => “0”) %>
The trace:
send' /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.12.5/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb:333:in
to_check_box_tag' /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.12.5/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb:208:in
_run_rhtml_admin__report_form' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/views/admin/report.rhtml:7:in
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/admin_controller.rb:39:in `new_report’
And finally, liine #39 in new_report:
35 @report = Report.new(@temp)
36 if @report.save
37 redirect_to :action => :show_report, :id => @report[:id]
38 else
39 render :action => ‘report’
40 end
I know I’m probably missing something simple here and it has something
to do with use_updated_on (and friends) not having a model backend…but
is there an elegant way to fix this without hacking rails source or
some such?