So I have a couple sites running Radiant .5.x and I have upgraded one
of them to .6.3 and created another for something else. They are
running on an W2K3 (yes I know), mongrel, and IIS with ISAPI-rewrite
to proxy(Oh dear he really is crazy) but I have replicated this
problem on FreeBSD and Apache.
The public parts of the sites are fine and I can get to the admin
pages but all the links to edit/create/so user the URL base that
mongrel is running as and giving fully qualified urls like “http://
amago:5013/admin/page/edit/1” when the url should be “/admin/page/
edit/1” so that the urls can be proxied.
Is this the expected behavior. It was was not under .5.x . Any
thoughs? It seems like the " page_new_url(:parent_id => page)" are
using routes create the url’s and for some reason they are coming
back a fully qualified and not relative like the links to images on
those pages.
I think that have done something wrong but I have no idea where to