Fw: Capistrano problem deploying to production database only

Oops. I had other problems that needed fixing first. I was missing the
net-ssh gem from the gem install net-ssh on all the poroduction servers.

So now I just have a problem getting the migration to work. I’m still
troubleshooting that myself but just in case here’s my command and my

cap production1 migrate


  • executing task production1

  • executing task migrate

  • executing “cd /website/bankspower/current && rake
    servers: [“172.x.x.x”]
    Password: ***

    [172.x.x.x] executing command
    ** [out :: 172.x.x.x] (in /website/bankspower/releases/20070405175714)
    ** [out :: 172.x.x.x]
    .rb:29:Warning: require_gem is obsolete. Use gem instead.
    ** [out :: 172.x.x.x] rake aborted!
    ** [out :: 172.x.x.x] Mysql::Error: Table
    doesn’t exist: SELECT version FROM schema_info
    ** [out :: 172.x.x.x]
    ** [out :: 172.x.x.x] (See full trace by running task with --trace)
    command finished
    command "cd /website/bankspower/current && rake RAILS_ENV=production
    " failed on 172.x.x.x

Anyway, still working on it.



----- Original Message -----
From: “Raul” [email protected]
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 8:36 AM
Subject: Capistrano problem deploying to production database only server