Gem install mysql mystery

sudo gem install mysql
Select which gem to install for your platform (powerpc-darwin8.8.0)

  1. mysql 2.7.3 (mswin32)
  2. mysql 2.7.1 (mswin32)
  3. mysql 2.7 (ruby)
  4. mysql 2.6 (ruby)
  5. Skip this gem
  6. Cancel installation

ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
Errno::ECONNREFUSED reading | your community gem host

I am running on Mac OS X. Do I have a corrupted gem or something or

On Sep 14, 2007, at 4:58 PM, Pito S. wrote:

Errno::ECONNREFUSED reading

I’m on a similar system.
You might want to have mysql already installed before getting the
mysql gem.
However, your error message seems like a Rubyforge problem.
It happens occasionally.
Just try it again later.