I’m struggling to install the paypal library via “gem install
-source dist.leetsoft.com” on linux server. I paste the error-msg
including my used parameters
below this post.
I searched a lot to find more info about this issue, but the only
related post (http://www.ruby-forum.com) still don’t solve
I got the following error…
root #$ gem install paypal -source dist.leetsoft.com
ERROR: While executing gem … (ArgumentError)
uri is not an HTTP URI
Did somebody run into the same problems and how does she/he solve it?
Any help/hint/tip is appreciated.
Arun K. wrote:
I’m struggling to install the paypal library via “gem install
-source dist.leetsoft.com” on linux server. I paste the error-msg
including my used parameters
below this post.
I searched a lot to find more info about this issue, but the only
related post (http://www.ruby-forum.com) still don’t solve
I got the following error…
root #$ gem install paypal -source dist.leetsoft.com
ERROR: While executing gem … (ArgumentError)
uri is not an HTTP URI
Did somebody run into the same problems and how does she/he solve it?
Any help/hint/tip is appreciated.
Hi friends,
Finally i solved this problem by providing the command like “gem install
–source http://dist.leetsoft.com paypal”.
Now i installed the plugin…
But now i encounter by an another problem in deployment…
When i enter the cmd cap deploy:update, it won’t work in my Linux server
and shows the following Error
capistrano]$ cap deploy:update
- executing `deploy:update’
** transaction: start
- executing `deploy:update_code’
- executing “svn checkout -q -r22
/hearjapan/rails/releases/20090317184243 && (echo 22 >
*** [deploy:update_code] rolling back
- executing “rm -rf /sitefolder/rails/releases/20090317184243; true”
** [deploy:update_code] exception while rolling back:
Capistrano::NoMatchingServersError, deploy:update_code' is only run for servers matching {:except=>{:no_release=>true}}, but no servers matched
deploy:update_code’ is only run for servers matching
{:except=>{:no_release=>true}}, but no servers matched
Any help/hint/tip is appreciated.