Gem update hangs (yaml slow on big dataset)

Hi all,

I am having a heck of a time trying to get gems working on a ubuntu
system. I get exactly what is described at

I have a problem with RubyGems. It doesn’t matter what I try to
install with, it freezez.
Particulary I tried to execute:
gem install rails --include-dependencies
but the command freezez at the following message:
“Updating Gem source index for:

And much to my chagrin, the answer is

[I lost my internet connection while composing the answer to this question. Unfortunately, I now no longer recall what I intended to write. The answer (or at least part of the answer) is buried deep in the RubyGems mail archive. I’ll try to update this after a bit of research. Sorry for leaving this question hanging.]

So I did some work myself and modified a bit of the gem code (yay for
open source) to get it working for me… results at

in case anyone else has this problem

-Andrew R.