Gem (update ?) problem


Does anybody know how to deal with this gem problem ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

After trying to run gem update the message is:
gem update
Updating installed gems
Updating hpricot
Building native extensions. This could take a while…
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError)
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

c:/ruby/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb update
checking for stdio.h… no
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of
necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more
details. You may need configuration options.
Provided configuration options:

Gem files will remain installed in
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/hpricot-0.6.161 for

Results logged to

mkmf.log shows:
have_header: checking for stdio.h… -------------------- no

"cl -nologo -E -I. -Ic:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mswin32 -I. -MD -Zi
-O2b2xg- -G6

conftest.c -P"
checked program was:
/* begin /
1: #include <stdio.h>
end */

On 11 Aug 2008, at 10:19, Peter K. wrote:


Does anybody know how to deal with this gem problem ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

Do you have a working C compiler available ? The error message suggest
that you don’t


Hi Fred,

thanks a lot for your answer !

No, I don’t think so. I am running this in a (minimal) Windows Vista
installation on Virtual PC (to easily correct for mistakes, as I just
started to learn ruby and rails).

I have not installed anything that would include a C-compiler.

Is there a special one to install to run with ruby ? And where would I
put it ? In the ruby folder ?

If a special one is not required, which one would you recommend ?

thanks a lot


On Aug 11, 2008, at 03:24 , Frederick C. wrote:

Do you have a working C compiler available ? The error message
suggest that you don’t

I thought that hpricot had a pre-built binary gem for windoze?

On Aug 11, 6:19 am, Peter K. removed_email_address@domain.invalid wrote:

Building native extensions. This could take a while…
Provided configuration options:

"cl -nologo -E -I. -Ic:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mswin32 -I. -MD -Zi
Posted via
Hi Peter,

Try this command:

gem install hpricot --platform mswin32 --source


On Aug 12, 7:53 pm, Gerson M. removed_email_address@domain.invalid

After trying to run gem update the message is:
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of

/* end */



That worked for me on Windows Vista Home Premium.

Thanks for the tip!



Visual C 6.0 won#t install in Vista (at least I can’t) get it istalled.
Would anybody know how to do that (as VC 6.0 apparently can’t deal with
the Vista environment)




That worked for me on Windows Vista Home Premium.

Thanks for the tip!


Hi Philip,

could you tell me, please, what exactely you did; as for me - I am still
getting the same error (after doing successfully: gem install hpricot
–platform mswin32 --source

I also tried the gem update --with-make-prog option, but something
is wrong with that option ( or the way I am putting it), its not

Even though I downloaded and installed hpricot (as mentioned above) the
gem update fails as mentioned in my initial posting.

So maybe a detailed description of what you did might help ? --I hope !!

Hi Gerson,

thanks a lot for the tip, even though for me it was not the breakthrough



-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Sat, 16 Aug 2008 03:11:35 +0900
Von: “Peter K.” removed_email_address@domain.invalid
An: removed_email_address@domain.invalid
Betreff: Re: gem (update ?) problem



Posted via

Dear Peter,

this might have to do with Vista wanting you to have administrator
You can set them in “system preferences” or look here:

Best regards,


-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 14:52:29 +0900
Von: “Peter K.” removed_email_address@domain.invalid
An: removed_email_address@domain.invalid
Betreff: Re: gem (update ?) problem

Best regards,

Posted via

Dear Peter,

did you try what’s suggested here: ?
(there is a promising 4-link post in there somewhere…)
I had VC 6.0 installed on another computer under Windows XP a longer
time ago,
with no Vista-related problems, of course.
Please tell me what you find out.

Best regards,


Dear Axel

thanks a lot for your suggestion. The problem seems to be more
fundamental: at least when I try to install VC 6.0 within my VirtualPC
Vista I am getting an errror message (very early on during installation)
which must be somehow related to an address conflict. It seems that VC
6.0 is using 16 Bit addresses and Vista can’t handle these ?!

Do you have any idea what to do ?

Best regards,

Dear Axel,

the bottom line seems to be: MS VC 6.0 does not run under Windows Vista

Too bad, I have already invested too much time trying to get this

But other people seem to use Ruby with Vista, so there must be some
other way (other than using MS VC 6.0 ) ?

Best Peter

Gerson M. wrote:

Try this command:

gem install hpricot --platform mswin32 --source


Hey, that worked for me too! Thanks Axel for referring me here. I had
noticed this post yesterday while I was at work, but I forgot about it
by the time I got home.

Forgive me for being a noob, but is Gerson the famous _why?


-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 04:42:52 +0900
Von: Doug G. removed_email_address@domain.invalid
An: removed_email_address@domain.invalid
Betreff: Re: gem (update ?) problem

noticed this post yesterday while I was at work, but I forgot about it
by the time I got home.

Forgive me for being a noob, but is Gerson the famous _why?

I don’t know, but I don’t think so.

Best regards,


Dear Axel,

thanks a lot for your help !!
I managed to install the hpricot, but when I am running a gem update
then it tries to update hpricot as well and the same error occurs. Is
there a command to explicitly exclude the hpricote update when running
gem update

(something like gem update --exclude hpricot) ??

As I started using ruby/rails only recently I am not completely familiar
with all the options. So far I started gem updates from inside the
console window.

Open the gems package manager and type in the following:
gem install hpricot --source

I was not aware, that there is a specific gem package manager (other
than calling gem update within the console window).
How would I start it up (which programm-name would I have to open /
doubleklick) ?



-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 20:37:52 +0900
Von: “Peter K.” removed_email_address@domain.invalid
An: removed_email_address@domain.invalid
Betreff: Re: gem (update ?) problem

Best Peter

Posted via

Dear Peter,
Dear _why,

I couldn’t install MS VC6.0 on Vista either.

Now, as you started this post by requesting a hpricot gem, and as _why
is offering a binary version for Windows, you can install a gem from
there, using
the Ruby O.-click version
(on my system, I have 1.8.6-26 together with Vista Ultimate).
Open the gems package manager and type in the following:

gem install hpricot --source

(see here:

I ran the example script from hpricot
( without
any problems.

It seems the Windows gems are actually not compiled under Windows, but
using mingw on BSD.

I found the following quote from 2006 …

I mean that’s alot better than putting together a VM and trying to track down a decent free Microsoft >compiler. A couple weeks ago, I spent six hours on it and made no progress.

See here:

_why: are you still using Mingw on BSD for cross-compiling the software
you are offering
for the Windows platforms ?

Best regards,


-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 15:27:20 +0900
Von: “Peter K.” removed_email_address@domain.invalid
An: removed_email_address@domain.invalid
Betreff: Re: gem (update ?) problem

Dear Axel,

thanks a lot for your help !!

you’re welcome :slight_smile:

I managed to install the hpricot, but when I am running a gem update
then it tries to update hpricot as well and the same error occurs. Is
there a command to explicitly exclude the hpricote update when running
gem update

(something like gem update --exclude hpricot) ??

Not that I know of. Maybe you submit this as a feature request to the
who maintain rubygems ? There’s a special mailing list for rubygems
you could ask for that.

gems list

will display all the gems you have installed. If they are not too many,
you could
remove them by hand and install them, with the right parameters again.

doubleklick) ?

There is a Ruby distribution for Windows called One-click-installer Ruby

This installs Ruby so that you can see a folder for it in the tree of
your installed
programs. The default name will be Ruby-186-26. There’s a subfolder
and inside that, a RubyGems Package Manager application, which opens a

I’m not really sure whether there’s any difference between managing
rubygems from
there or from the Windows console (maybe some care is needed to tell the
Windows console
where to find rubygems).

As a quick-and-dirty workaround, you might also try to write a
rubygems-update-with-exclusion script using the console yourself …
maintain a text file with special parameters for special gems and use
Ruby’s ‘system’ command to invoke the console…you could then uninstall
every gem in the list
given by ‘gems list’, and reinstall it, maybe from some special source,
like in the hpricot
case, if your parameter file includes some special information.

Best regards,


Dear Axel,

thanks a lot for your tremendous help !

In my ruby-folder I can’t find a subfolder RubyGems.

Therefore, I installed ruby again from the link you gave (in a folder
ruby-186-26) and I checked the option for RubygGems during installation.

The new installation has the folders:

and I can’t find any RugyGems subfolder within these folders.
Did I do something wrong ?


Peter K. wrote:


Does anybody know how to deal with this gem problem ?

Hello. I have encountered a similar problem. I am running Windows XP
SP2. If you just want to skip hpricot and continue updating your other
installed gems, you can do that by renaming the gem specification file
for hpricot under this directory:


just look for this file: hpricot-0.6-x86-mswin32.gemspec

and rename it, in my case i renamed it to:

i believe that hpricot-0.6-x86-mswin32.gemspec is the key to solving
this problem in windows but since i am also a noob to ruby, i guess
renaming this file will suffice for now. i believe the gem update
command looks into the gem specification file for update parameters. and
since for some reason the update will not work, i guess it is best to
“fool” gem update into believing that you do not have hpricot installed.

i think you can then manually install or update hpricot by using this

gem install hpricot --platform mswin32 --source

as gerson pointed.

but i think it would be better if we can sort of edit the gem
specification of hpricot so that it will point to this location when the
gem update command is issued. i just don’t know how to do it. does
anybody know?

Dear Axel,

well, I found RubyGems, but not as a subfolder but within the start
menue (ruby-186-26 => RubyGems

Here I can indeed start the Gems console (for some reason this
start-menue structure did not install with my previous ruby
installation, even though I used the same exe-program to install (but
there the install folder was ruby oposed to the new one ruby-186-26).

Until now, I was using the console of Aptana radrails, as I had no
access to some other one (and the windows console did not really work).

Now I will try from here and get back as soon as I know more.
