what the recommended way to generate static html files based on a
database structure, for example 1000 product pages.
i would like to specify s template and embed css styles.
i use rails 3.1
what the recommended way to generate static html files based on a
database structure, for example 1000 product pages.
i would like to specify s template and embed css styles.
i use rails 3.1
On Sep 19, 2:10pm, “Jochen Kchelin - 8frogs.de” [email protected]
what the recommended way to generate static html files based on a database
structure, for example 1000 product pages.i would like to specify s template and embed css styles.
i use rails 3.1
I’d look into using factory girl.
Dan N.
“"Jochen Kächelin - 8frogs.de"” [email protected] wrote in post
what the recommended way to generate static html files based on a
database structure, for example 1000 product pages.i would like to specify s template and embed css styles.
i use rails 3.1
erb templates are part of the ruby language, as is the ability to query
a database. So you can write a ruby program that creates an erb
template, and you can query the database to fill in values in the
template, and then write the results to a bunch of files.
Here is an example:
require ‘erb’
require ‘sqlite3’
template = ERB.new <<“END_OF_TEMPLATE”
<%= name %> div {color:blue;}db = SQLite3::Database.new( “my_db.db” )
table = “test”
db.execute( “select * from #{table}” ) do |row|
name, color = row
File.open("#{name}.html", “w”) do |f|
f.puts template.result(binding)
#binding gathers up the variables and their values
hammer div {color:blue;}This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.
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