I would like to implement a PDF function into my application.
I have already installed the pdf-writer-1.1.6.
Firstly, there are several folders in this zip folder e.g. pdf, writer
Where exactly should I paste this folders to?
Secondly, I added the following codes to the environment.rb:
require ‘pdf/writer’
Mime:Type.register ‘application/pdf’,:pdf
Where should I place these codes and the should the word “application”
be replaced with my project’s name?
I am sure that there is something wrong with the codes in here as when i
restarted WEBRICK in my command prompt, some of the errors that occurred
- already initialized constant OPTIONS
-no such file to load – transaction/simple
Can someone please give me a solution? Because there is no way I can
implement the codes if I cannot start my WEBrick successfully.
This is quite urgent as the deadline is drawing nearer. Please help!
Thank you very much!!!