Hello, I bought a book called “Head First Rails” and it’s great,
starting off with giving me a few commands to instantly begin diving
into learning Rails. However, I ran into a problem that I’m not quite
sure how to fix.
So I’m following along the beginning exercise where I did the
following commands. Btw, I’m using Windows 7 cmd.
rails tickets
cd tickets
ruby script/server
Now, step 3 works and I can even go to http://localhost:3000/ to look
at some randomly generated Ruby Introduction Page, but I can’t type in
cmd anymore. The output looks like this
=>booting WEBrick
=>Rails 2.3.5 application starting on
=>call with -d to detach
=>Ctrl-c to shutdown server
[TIMESTAMP] INFO ruby 1,8,6 <2008-08-11> [i386-mswin32]
[TIMESTAMP] INFO WEBrick:HTTPServer#start: pid=6556 port=3000
the next command line never appears and I can’t type. Do I need to
ctrl-c to shutdown server if i want to run anymore commands, like