Gio mount flags

Hi, I want to mount volumes under /media/username/. I get volumes:

volume_monitor = Gio::VolumeMonitor.get
all_volumes = volume_monitor.volumes

And I tried to mount volume under /media/username/, I am getting error:

all_volumes[0].mount(Gio::Mount::MountFlags::NONE, nil, nil)

TypeError: GMountMountFlags is not a GEnum: #<Gio::Mount::MountFlags
from (pry):122:in `mount’

I didn’t find suit flag for this. How can I mount volumes?


And I tried to mount volume under /media/username/, I am getting error:

all_volumes[0].mount(Gio::Mount::MountFlags::NONE, nil, nil)

TypeError: GMountMountFlags is not a GEnum: #<Gio::Mount::MountFlags
from (pry):122:in `mount’

I didn’t find suit flag for this. How can I mount volumes?

I used flag type as “nil” and problem solved :slight_smile: