First, I’m trying to do the legwork with utilizing all 4 together
because many people say it’s a good combination to use. I already have
apache setup (was using it with the PHP version of my site formerly).
I’ve installed all gems and dependencies that I need on my slice (using
I have a fully pushed git repository (master) on github (private git)
with one user. For sake of these questions the user on github is called
(liveuser). I followed the following guide to setup a user called
(gituser) on my slice:
I just don’t follow the logic of it. Perhaps it’s because I don’t
understand why I even need to use (any) of these utilities to run my
server. I feel like I have to perform 100 things just to get this
scenario working together. I’m sure it’s nice when it’s all setup and
working 100% but I’m a bit frustrated at this point.
Question One: Is there a (complete guide) that acts as a walk-through
for setting up apache/capistrano/passenger/git together?
From my understanding, capistrano is meant to be used only on the
development machine and not on the server. You deploy through git
directly to your server. I don’t see any good documentation out there
that explains this in detail. If there were a deployment for dummies
book I’d buy it in a heartbeat.
My Scenario:
Windows Development machine with app
Full github private repository being pushed to from my development
All tests well and am ready for deployment and production testing
Slicehost slice (server) with apache and passenger (passenger not setup
Question Two: Is there an optimal setup here? What are the exact
steps, in order for deploying? Apache configuration first? Passenger
configuration first? Github configuration first?
I will leave it at this for now. I’m sure I’m not the only one that has
pulled his or her hair out over a deployment phase and I’m certainly not
going to be the last. I think there should be some type of formalized
documentation on complete deployment (at least something that is up to
date and not 2 years old).