Glassfish gem only supports hardcoded rails environments

Btw, I would have opened a ticket on codehaus, but the captcha to
create an account is just horrible and I couldn’t get past it. Some
of the characters were basically just blobs.

This code in jruby/rack/rackup.rb makes it impossible to have custom
rails environments

case env
when “development”, “test”
app = {
use Rack::CommonLogger, $stderr
use Rack::ShowExceptions
use Rack::Lint
run inner_app

when “deployment”, “production”
app = {
use Rack::CommonLogger, $stderr
run inner_app

when “none”
app = inner_app

On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 5:19 PM, snacktime [email protected] wrote:

Btw, I would have opened a ticket on codehaus, but the captcha to
create an account is just horrible and I couldn’t get past it. Some
of the characters were basically just blobs.

This code in jruby/rack/rackup.rb makes it impossible to have custom
rails environments

I’m not sure where you should file this. I think this code must come
from one of the glassfish jruby components that the glassfish team is
still technically responsible for. We might be able to fork and fix it
as part of our ongoing maintenance of the gem (see
GitHub - BanzaiMan/glassfish-gem: Import of ), but Hiro doesn’t have the
issue tracker turned on there.
