Glimmer DSL for GTK Tetris + Cairo Tutorial Inspired by Mohit Sindhwani

Glimmer DSL for GTK Tetris + Cairo Tutorial Inspired by Mohit Sindhwani’s Blog Post:

Glimmer DSL for GTK is now a thing! Yes, you can finally write GTK applications directly with Glimmer’s awesome declarative DSL syntax: GitHub - AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-gtk: Glimmer DSL for GTK - Ruby-GNOME Desktop Development GUI Library

Furthermore, declarative Cairo drawing support has just been added, including GUI reimplementations of the RCairo samples mentioned in Mohit Sindhwani’s blog post “Cairo with Ruby - Samples using RCairo”

Last but not least, someone requested a Tetris sample written with Glimmer DSL for GTK. It also got delivered:

Mohit, thank you for writing such a great introductory RCairo tutorial. My tutorial takes it further by showing software engineers how to build those same Cairo graphics into a desktop GUI application (as opposed to just plain images).
