GNU Radio python help

I am not a great programmer but I have been playing around with the GNU
Radio FFT Sink to do a few things and one thing I am trying to do is be
able to click on a signal of interest and have the radio tune to that
frequency. I have added a function “on_mouse_left” to
“” (based on existing code tnx) which returns the
frequency. What I can’t figure out is how I pass this to the top_block
to update the freq variable or even if it’s possible.

#mouse left click event
def on_mouse_left(event):
  x, y = self._point_label_coordinate
  if x < self.padding_left or x > self.width-self.padding_right:

if y < self.padding_top or y > self.height-self.padding_bottom:
#scale to window bounds
x_win_scalar = float(x -
#scale to grid bounds
freqw = int(x_win_scalar*(self.x_max-self.x_min) + self.x_min)
print freqw
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, on_mouse_left)